Why Drum?
Rhythm is a universal language. Drumming offers us an opportunity to connect with our inner selves, and gain a sense of interpersonal support with the community. Group drumming alleviates egocentrism, isolation and alienation. Learning to relate through music creates wholesomeness more intimately with an open heart.
Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, produces feelings of well-being, reduces stress which, according to current medical research, contributes to nearly all diseases. Drumming promotes the production of endorphins and endogenous opiates, the bodies own morphine-like pain killers, and can thereby help to control pain. In a specific study conducted by Barry Bittman, MD, group drumming actually increases cancer-killing cells, which help the body combat cancer as well as many other viruses.
Never drummed before? We have classes specifically geared for those entirely new to music. Are you an experienced musician looking for the next level? Look no further. Our advanced classes sometimes require being strapped in. Don't own an instrument? We always have rentals available to play and own. Whether a musician, inexperienced, a member of the youth, an elder, rich, or poor, a djembe only reflects your heart. Contact us to see which class fits you best!