Kasey Jones
Founder & Director of HoloRhythm Community Music School
Kasey “CaveMan” Jones began as a multi-instrumentalist and musician in his early teens. He first discovered West African music and the Djembe while attending a drum circle being hosted by Bill Scheidt of then, Living Rhythms, back in 2007. Discovering an inner passion for drumming, Kasey has been an aspiring Djembefola ever since. Having attended lessons and workshops from many masters of West African music, he completed Bill’s Drummer Instructor Training course in 2013 to become a Certified Associate Instructor with Tam Tam Mandingue Winston Salem, and later a Beginner Djembe Instructor for Tam Tam Mandingue Djembe Academy. Kasey currently resides in North Carolina where he can be found orchestrating drum circles, teaching workshops, classes and giving private lessons in the local community through the HoloRhythm Community Music School founded in 2013. The CaveMan can also be seen up and down the east coast at music festivals teaching workshops and facilitating drum circles throughout the year.
Kasey can be contacted at (336) 624-2237, or by email at HoloRhythm@gmail.com.